I never received an order confirmation email. Can you help me out?
Sure! First, please check your spam folder. If you don't see one, it's probably because you entered your email in incorrectly when you made your purchase. If your problem still isn't solved, please use our Contact page to reach us.
Can I cancel my order?
Sorry! When an order is placed on our site it goes directly to our warehouses to be processed. We can't currently do cancellations because by the time we reach our supplier they've usually already put your order into production. We're working on developing a better cancellation system in the coming months.  
I never received my order. Help!
Oh no! We'll sort this out for you,  please contact us via our contact page.
I have received only part of my order in the mail so far. Can you tell me where the other items are?
We ship directly from our warehouses around the world. (in Europe, the US, Asia, Latin America) -- so your order, if you purchased several items,  will likely arrive in different packages. Please be patient and the rest of your order will arrive soon!
Is it safe to process payments through you? Do you have access to my credit card details?
We use Stripe and Paypal, the leading international payment providers, to process all purchases. There is no point where we ourselves have access to customer's personal data ourselves or where that data might potentially be compromised. All data is processed encrypted via Stripe or Paypal.
I'm having a technical issue on your site or can't place an order because of an error. Help!
Please try on a different browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Safari) or retry in a few hours.